How Many Mistakes are Allowed in a NSW Driving Test?

By George
Driving test

The driving test is a crucial milestone for every driver who wants to attain independence on the roads. However, for many, it is a source of anxiety and stress, especially with the prospect of failing looming large. To alleviate some of these fears, it is important to have a comprehensive understanding of the driving test, including what actions can lead to an automatic failure, how many mistakes are allowed, and some tips to increase your chances of success.

The driving test is an assessment of your ability to safely operate a vehicle in accordance with road rules and regulations. It is similar to your previous driving lessons, but instead of learning new skills, you will demonstrate your existing knowledge and driving abilities. If you have completed all your logbook hours and practiced your parking and driving skills thoroughly, you are likely to pass the test with ease. Nevertheless, it's not uncommon to feel nervous on the day of the test, and the average pass rate is only a little over one in three.

To be successful in the NSW driving test, you need to score at least 90% and have no failed items. Although a perfect score is ideal, a few minor mistakes won't automatically result in a failure. Driving test mistakes are categorized into three groups - illegal or dangerous mistakes, driving errors, and low score. An illegal or dangerous mistake is an immediate failure, and you can fail even if you score 99% on the test. However, you can still pass if you make one to two driving errors, such as failing to indicate correctly or making the required observation checks. A low score, meaning a score below 90%, suggests multiple minor mistakes, such as poor steering technique, which can lead to a failure if repeated multiple times.

The vehicle you use for the driving test must be suitable for use on the roads, and the testing officer will inspect it for general roadworthiness and legality before the test begins. If your car is found to be in poor condition or unregistered, your test will result in an immediate failure. You are expected to drive at posted speed limits during the test and maintain appropriate speed in traffic. Exceeding the speed limit, even by a little, or driving well below it, can lead to a fail. Additionally, refusing to cooperate with the testing officer, performing illegal activities like using a mobile device while driving, or attempting to bribe or emotionally plead with the instructor, will result in an immediate failure. Finally, failing to indicate your intentions before making any driving maneuver is also considered a failure.

In conclusion, understanding the driving test and what actions can lead to an automatic failure is crucial in reducing stress and increasing your chances of success. Remember to practice thoroughly, maintain appropriate speed, and follow road rules and regulations to avoid making mistakes that can result in a fail. If you do fail, don't be disheartened, as on average, it takes more than one attempt to pass the driving test. Keep practicing and seeking feedback from your instructor, and soon you will be on the road, independently navigating the roads of NSW.

If you are worried about your upcoming driving test A&V Driving School can help you feel more confident by providing a mock test in the suburb of your driving test. 

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